[py-dev] branch is being merged back

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Sat Apr 16 21:57:51 CEST 2005

Hi all, 

we are currently merging back the py-collect branch [1].  
Although this is a huge diff we don't expect big problems 
unless you are using "conftest.py" customizations.  

There are a couple of new command line options, most notably 
Jan Balster's "--tkinter" frontend.   It's at an early 
experimental stage but already starts to be usable.  

Note that the command line options changed slightly, because 
there is a new rule: py.test will consume all lowercase 
single-letter options like "-h", "-v", "-x" and so on while
applications should add only consume capital cased letters. 

One major change that took place in the branch is that
we are refraining from import magic for importing test 
modules.  This deprives us of the ability to run tests 
directly from a remote repository, but allows to get rid
of some nasty interactions with e.g. nevow's import hacks. 

have fun and report any problems, 


[1] Jan, if you have a locally modified pycollect branch 
    you will have to switch to the dist directory because 
    the branch/py-collect is no more and you can't commit
    to it ... 

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