[py-dev] Re: [py-svn] r10665 - in py/branch/py-collect: . test test/terminal test/testing

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Fri Apr 15 16:11:13 CEST 2005

Hi Jan, (reposted to py-dev), 

On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 15:15 +0200, Jan Balster wrote:
> hpk at codespeak.net wrote:
> i think you missed a return staement in terminal.py:

> > +    def main(self, args): 
> > +        if self.config.option._remote: 
> > +            from py.__impl__.test.terminal import remote 
> > +            remote.main(self.config, self._file, self.config._origargs)
> > +        else: 
> > +            super(TerminalSession, self).main(args)

good catch, i didn't test --looponfailing so far which needs the return
value.  I actually want to add a test for looonfailing and will fix 
it then (it's good if tests fail first :-). 

btw, note that i didn't really get to do the clean implementation
of "remote driving". It's still the old stdout/stderr redirection 
thingie, basically (but at least remote_exec() now directly 
allows to catch stdout/stderr per invocation, even if you have
concurrent remote_exec() invocations :-). 

The thing is that i am pretty sure that execnet needs to support 
send/receive of (at least) simple objects.  But maybe we should first 
try have a "pickle"-layer on top of channels because we want to 
assume anyway that the classes and the import structure are 
equivalent on the local and the remote side. With such an 
assumption we can probably send instances over the channel
via pickle.   



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