[Pytest-commit] commit/tox: 3 new changesets

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Thu Apr 25 20:23:41 CEST 2013

3 new commits in tox:

Changeset:   1538fe9d3a7c
User:        g2p
Date:        2012-12-03 18:14:25
Summary:     Give further hints on py.test discovery.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r e913d5105cc0d286f93bf53f2e30389c292fbbc7 -r 1538fe9d3a7c8334abcc5b342afe2133af889deb doc/example/pytest.txt
--- a/doc/example/pytest.txt
+++ b/doc/example/pytest.txt
@@ -85,14 +85,20 @@
 **installed-versus-checkout version**.  ``py.test`` collects test
 modules on the filesystem and then tries to import them under their
-`fully qualified name`_. This means that if your test directory contains
-an ``__init__.py`` file then your ``py.test`` invocation may end up
+`fully qualified name`_. This means that if your test files are
+importable from somewhere then your ``py.test`` invocation may end up
 importing the package from the checkout directory rather than the
-installed package.  Therefore it is better to try to avoid
-``__init__.py`` files in test directories and also try to avoid custom
-``PYTHONPATH`` settings.  After all, it is the job of your ``setup.py``
-file and the install tools to care for making the package properly
-available for importing.
+installed package.
+There are a few ways to prevent this.
+With installed tests (the tests are built and installed by setup.py),
+one option is to give the explicit path ``{envsitepackagesdir}/mypkg``
+to pytest, and another is to change directories and pass ``--pyargs
+mypkg``.  With tests that won't be installed, the simplest way is to
+avoid ``__init__.py`` files in test directories; pytest will still find
+them but they won't be copied to other places and they won't be found by
+Python's import system.
 .. _`fully qualified name`: http://pytest.org/latest/goodpractises.html#package-name

Changeset:   8eb9f56e0dd0
User:        g2p
Date:        2012-12-03 21:45:13
Summary:     Relate to the 2to3 use case.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 1538fe9d3a7c8334abcc5b342afe2133af889deb -r 8eb9f56e0dd068ceaac4328239097230e4a94ba8 doc/example/pytest.txt
--- a/doc/example/pytest.txt
+++ b/doc/example/pytest.txt
@@ -92,15 +92,23 @@
 There are a few ways to prevent this.
-With installed tests (the tests are built and installed by setup.py),
-one option is to give the explicit path ``{envsitepackagesdir}/mypkg``
-to pytest, and another is to change directories and pass ``--pyargs
-mypkg``.  With tests that won't be installed, the simplest way is to
-avoid ``__init__.py`` files in test directories; pytest will still find
-them but they won't be copied to other places and they won't be found by
-Python's import system.
+With installed tests (the tests packages are known to ``setup.py``), a
+safe and explicit option is to give the explicit path
+``{envsitepackagesdir}/mypkg`` to pytest.
+Alternatively, it is possible to use ``changedir`` so that checked-out
+files are outside the import path, then pass ``--pyargs mypkg`` to
+Installed tests are particularly convenient when combined with
+`Distribute's 2to3 support` (``use_2to3``).
+With tests that won't be installed, the simplest way is to avoid
+``__init__.py`` files in test directories; pytest will still find them
+but they won't be copied to other places or be found by Python's import
 .. _`fully qualified name`: http://pytest.org/latest/goodpractises.html#package-name
+.. _`Distribute's 2to3 support`: http://packages.python.org/distribute/python3.html
 .. include:: ../links.txt

Changeset:   9b7878f71a1e
User:        hpk42
Date:        2013-04-25 20:23:37
Summary:     Merged in g2p/tox (pull request #32)

Give further hints on py.test discovery.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 1b8bdf9ab87e87203df8543b8e5a85bc30433f52 -r 9b7878f71a1e3846c3a36264fcf322d75682ba19 doc/example/pytest.txt
--- a/doc/example/pytest.txt
+++ b/doc/example/pytest.txt
@@ -85,16 +85,30 @@
 **installed-versus-checkout version**.  ``py.test`` collects test
 modules on the filesystem and then tries to import them under their
-`fully qualified name`_. This means that if your test directory contains
-an ``__init__.py`` file then your ``py.test`` invocation may end up
+`fully qualified name`_. This means that if your test files are
+importable from somewhere then your ``py.test`` invocation may end up
 importing the package from the checkout directory rather than the
-installed package.  Therefore it is better to try to avoid
-``__init__.py`` files in test directories and also try to avoid custom
-``PYTHONPATH`` settings.  After all, it is the job of your ``setup.py``
-file and the install tools to care for making the package properly
-available for importing.
+installed package.
+There are a few ways to prevent this.
+With installed tests (the tests packages are known to ``setup.py``), a
+safe and explicit option is to give the explicit path
+``{envsitepackagesdir}/mypkg`` to pytest.
+Alternatively, it is possible to use ``changedir`` so that checked-out
+files are outside the import path, then pass ``--pyargs mypkg`` to
+Installed tests are particularly convenient when combined with
+`Distribute's 2to3 support` (``use_2to3``).
+With tests that won't be installed, the simplest way is to avoid
+``__init__.py`` files in test directories; pytest will still find them
+but they won't be copied to other places or be found by Python's import
 .. _`fully qualified name`: http://pytest.org/latest/goodpractises.html#package-name
+.. _`Distribute's 2to3 support`: http://packages.python.org/distribute/python3.html
 .. include:: ../links.txt

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/tox/


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