[Pytest-commit] [hpk42/tox] tox 1.4.3 {[section]name} substitution does not work in general (issue #97)

Krisztian Fekete issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Thu Apr 25 10:50:07 CEST 2013

New issue 97: tox 1.4.3 {[section]name} substitution does not work in general

Krisztian Fekete:

I am trying to reuse `tox.ini` with minimal changes between projects/packages - the only variation is in `deps` and the project/package name (see `package` section below).  I want `commands` to be the same, so I tried to define an ini variable for package name and reference it from `commands` without success:



name = whatever
deps =
    # package specific dependencies


envlist = py27


deps =

    # needed by commands

commands =
    coverage erase
    coverage run {envbindir}/nosetests
    coverage report --show-missing --include={[package]name}/*
    pyflakes {[package]name}
    pep8 {[package]name}

I get `tox.ConfigError: ConfigError: substitution key '[package]name' not found` with this config.

It looks like the ini reading is restricted to known keys only (`{[package]deps}` in `[testenv]deps` works!),  so it is currently not possible to introduce & reference new, unknown-to-tox, keys.

A potentially related issue is *#38 {[section]name} subsitution does not work for commands*

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