[pypy-dev] PyOpenCL wants to move from cffi to pybind11

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 19:48:29 EDT 2018

PyOpenCL allows one to write kernels for OpenCL in python and uses numpy 
arrays as the data to pass around. They now use cffi bindings, but are 
thinking of moving to PyBind11.


They claim 1500 less code lines and a 2x speedup (on cpython). It seems 
this is a step backwards for us, PyBind11 uses the python c-api to wrap 
C++ code and I do not see how we can make that JIT freindly. On the 
other hand, I do not know how easy it is to move form PyBind11 to cppyy. 
Any thoughts? I used to follow their codebase closely, now I just lurk 
on the mailing list, and do not use the package myself.


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