[pypy-dev] Mysterious IndexError in service running with PyPy

Armin Rigo armin.rigo at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 04:44:21 EST 2017

Hi Hubo,

On 18 December 2017 at 08:58, hubo <hubo at jiedaibao.com> wrote:
> The services are running with PyPy 5.3.0. I've upgraded a few of them to
> 5.9, but it will take a long time to validate whether this still happens.

The root cause might be some issue with the JIT: if there is a bug
there, then we can get this kind of nonsense-looking result.  It is
however completely impossible to know what the issue is just by
looking at the Python code.  Usually it takes a lot of efforts inside
gdb to figure these bugs out.

The good news is that these issues are extremely rare: much less than
one per release, in average.  It's possible that we fixed a JIT issue
between PyPy 5.3 and PyPy 5.9 and that this issue caused the
misbehavior you're observing.  All I can suggest is to continue trying
with PyPy 5.9.

A bientôt,


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