[pypy-dev] Mysterious IndexError in service running with PyPy

hubo hubo at jiedaibao.com
Mon Dec 18 02:58:40 EST 2017

I'm reporting this issue in this mail group, though I don't know if it is related with PyPy, because it is really strange, and is not able to reproduce stably. But I hope someone may know the reason or have some points.

I'm running some SDN services written in Python with PyPy 5.3.0.  The related code is here:
The full code is also in the repo, but may be too complex to describe. But this related piece is quite simple:

    def _siftdown(self, pos):
        temp = self.heap[pos]
        l = len(self.heap)
        while pos * 2 + 1 < l:
            cindex = pos * 2 + 1
            pt = self.heap[cindex]
            if cindex + 1 < l and self.heap[cindex+1][0] < pt[0]:
                cindex = cindex + 1
                pt = self.heap[cindex]
            if pt[0] < temp[0]:
                self.heap[pos] = pt
                self.index[pt[1]] = pos
            pos = cindex
        self.heap[pos] = temp
        self.index[temp[1]] = pos

It is a simple heap operation. The service uses a heap to process timers. When the service is not busy, it usually runs this piece of code several times per minute.

I have 32 servers running this service. They are quite stable in about three months, but one day one of the services crashes on line 100 reporting IndexError:
     pt = self.heap[cindex]

As you can see, cindex = pos * 2 + 1, which is tested by the while pre-conditon just two lines before. And there is not any multi-threading issues here because this piece of code always runs in the same thread. So it is not possible in theory for this to happen.

Only the following facts are known about this issue:
It reproduces  - through quite rarely. I've met this kind of crashes 4 times, each with different machine, so it should not be related to hardware issuess. Since I've got 32 servers, it might take more than one year to reproduce with a single server.
It seems not to be related to pressures. All of the crashes happens at night, when there are little requests. Only some cleanup tasks are running in fixed interval.
The services are running with PyPy 5.3.0. I've upgraded a few of them to 5.9, but it will take a long time to validate whether this still happens. And It is not validated on CPython too. I'm also trying to collect more debugging information for this issue, but it is very hard since it rarely reproduces.

It is not a serious issue. It could be workarounded with a auto-restart, but I'm searching the cause.


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