[pypy-dev] Sandbox missing functions like 'fcntl'

Dmitry Sagalovskiy dmitry at getgrist.com
Tue Jun 9 00:31:35 CEST 2015


I am getting this error from the sandbox:

Not Implemented: sandboxing for external function 'fcntl'

I am using a custom controller process, and getting this in fdopen
(pypy_interact bombs on something else before it gets to that point). After
much digging, I think this is due to _check_fd_mode function in
rpython/rlib/streamio.py. In sandbox mode, I think there is little use for
this check, but since it's there, I need some workaround. Does anyone have

More generally, my team needs to decide if we can rely on the pypy sandbox
to use in our product. It seems brilliantly designed, fast, and overall
impressive. But there are these gaps in missing sandbox wrappers (there are
others too, fcntl is just one that I don't know how to avoid). And I
noticed some code that indicates that it is not supported on Windows -- is
that the case?

What are the sandbox's prospects, within the larger future of pypy?

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