[pypy-dev] RinohType and PyPy2

Brecht Machiels brecht at mos6581.org
Sat Mar 1 23:34:17 CET 2014


I've managed to backport RinohType to Python 2 (took me only a couple of hours thankfully).

Results on my Celeron T3000 (Arch Linux x86_64):
CPython 3.3.4        14 s
PyPy3 2.1.0-beta1  61 s
CPython 2.7.6        15 s
PyPy  2.2.1            35 s

If you want to give it a try (no external dependencies):

    git clone --branch pypy2 https://github.com/brechtm/rinohtype.git
    cd rinohtype/examples/rfic2009
    rm -rf template.ptc; PYTHONPATH=../.. pypy template.py

While PyPy2 performs better than PyPy3, it's still much slower than CPython. Is RinohType hitting a weak spot in PyPy? Any hints on what I can do to improve performance?

Best regards,

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