[pypy-dev] Announcement: PyPy London Sprint (August 26 - September 1 2013)

Carl Friedrich Bolz cfbolz at gmx.de
Fri Jul 19 15:47:35 CEST 2013

         PyPy London Sprint (August 26 - September 1 2013)

The next PyPy sprint will be in London, United Kingdom for the first
time. This is a fully public sprint. PyPy sprints are a very good way
to get into PyPy development and no prior PyPy knowledge is necessary.

Goals and topics of the sprint

For newcomers:

* bring your application/library and we'll help you port it to PyPy,
  benchmark and profile

* come and write your favorite missing numpy function

* help us work on developer tools like jitviewer

We'll also work on:

* refactoring the JIT optimizations

* STM and STM-related topics

* anything else attendees are interested in

Exact times

The work days should be August 26 - September 1 2013 (Monday-Sunday).
The official plans are for people to arrive on the 26th, and
to leave on the 2nd. There will be a break day in the middle.
We'll typically start at 10:00 in the morning.


The sprint will happen within a room of `King's College's`_ `Strand
Campus`_ in `Central London, UK`_. There are some travel instructions
`how to
get there`_. We are being hosted by `Laurence Tratt`_ and the `Software
Development Team`_.

.. _`King's College's`: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/
.. _`Central London, UK`: http://goo.gl/maps/Qz0zz
.. _`Strand Campus`:
.. _`how to get there`:
.. _`Laurence Tratt`: http://tratt.net/laurie
.. _`Software Development Team`: http://soft-dev.org

Demo Session

If you don't want to come to the full sprint, but still want to chat a
bit, we are planning to have a demo session on Tuesday August 27. We
will announce this separately on the blog. If you are interested, please
leave a comment.


If you want to attend, please register by adding yourself to the
"people.txt" file in Mercurial::


or on the pypy-dev mailing list if you do not yet have check-in rights::


Remember that you may need a (insert country here)-to-UK power adapter.
Please note that UK is not within the Schengen zone, so non-EU and
non-Switzerland citizens may require specific visa. Please check `travel
regulations`_. Also, the UK uses pound sterling (GBP).

.. _`travel regulations`:

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