[pypy-dev] Readiness of asmgcc for x86_64 linux?

Gary Robinson garyrob at me.com
Fri Sep 24 20:43:56 CEST 2010

> Just to be clear, the pypy python interpreter is written in RPython,
> and for most of the stuff that is missing on the fast-forward branch
> you don't need to know nothing about how the JIT work. Its a pain to
> learn RPython, but just to be clear on what you need to know.
> Are there any tasks that you can do with pure python?

I would love to do it if I had the time-freedom. The information you give above tells me that I probably do have the skills -- I've written a ton of python code over the last 12 years or so. But I'm working to the point that I'm depriving my family already, because my company needs my full attention now. There will come a time when I'll be able to do it, and I suspect PyPy will still be able to benefit from code and patch contributors then. But, of course, that's easy to say. The point is that PyPy would can use more contributors right now, and I, unfortunately, can't be among them.

But I will be an active tester when it's ready for end-user testing.


Gary Robinson
Emergent Discovery, LLC
personal email: garyrob at me.com
work email: grobinson at emergentdiscovery.com
Company: http://www.emergentdiscovery.com
Blog:    http://www.garyrobinson.net

On Sep 24, 2010, at 2:29 PM, Leonardo Santagada wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Gary Robinson <garyrob at me.com> wrote:
>> I unfortunately can't contribute code/patches at this point (I don't have the time-freedom or competence in JIT's or C++ to try),
> Just to be clear, the pypy python interpreter is written in RPython,
> and for most of the stuff that is missing on the fast-forward branch
> you don't need to know nothing about how the JIT work. Its a pain to
> learn RPython, but just to be clear on what you need to know.
> Are there any tasks that you can do with pure python?
> -- 
> Leonardo Santagada

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