[pypy-dev] PyPy JIT & C extensions

William Leslie william.leslie.ttg at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 05:36:01 CEST 2010

On 25 October 2010 14:12, Andrew Francis <andrewfr_ice at yahoo.com> wrote:
> A few days ago, I floated this idea in the #pypy IRC channel. Why can't we take a JITed pypy, install the greenlet package, run it and see what happens? After all, greenlet is a C extension module.  Hopefully this would provide a base line for work to be required? I am trying this but I am having a few hiccups getting setup.py to do the right thing. Since I am a newbie, I would like to know what is wrong with this line of reasoning?

PyPy's internal representation of frames differs from that of CPython.
How does greenlet determine how much of the stack to copy?

William Leslie

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