[pypy-dev] Re: notes about EU background (was: Re: Parser)

Florian Schulze florian.proff.schulze at gmx.net
Thu Mar 31 13:37:00 CEST 2005

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 12:47:39 +0200, holger krekel <hpk at trillke.net> wrote:

> If you have any questions or remarks especially about the
> relationship between PyPy, the OpenSource project, and PyPy, the
> EU project, please feel free to ask.   It will certainly help
> us to understand it better as well :-)

Are the core developers currently living from pypy development? If that's 
the case, then it's really cool, because I know where my taxes go ;)
To be seriuos. AFAIU the EU pays money for sprint organization and such 
things. How are the companies involved? Financially or in another way like 
(man) ressources?

Florian Schulze

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