notes about EU background (was: Re: [pypy-dev] Parser)

holger krekel hpk at
Thu Mar 31 12:47:39 CEST 2005

Hi all, 

just some quick notes for those of us not deeply into the somewhat 
behind-the-scenes organization of the PyPy European Union project ... 

On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 09:18 +0100, Armin Rigo wrote:
> ... 
> I suspect that the Logilab parser is more appropriate to Logilab's and DFKI's own 
> goals in the WP09/WP10, which involve playing around with
> the syntax ... 

Logilab and DFKI ( are both companies that joined the PyPy
"EU consortium" which is the body that receives funding from the 
European Union. 

"WP" is jargon for "Workpackage" and refers to the list of 
workpackages as defined for the PyPy EU project.  An approximative 
list of all the workpackages can be found here:

Let me add that IMO the PyPy project exceeds the scope of the EU 
project in some ways.  Most of the core developers have been working 
and continue to work on it in their spare time as well.  

If you have any questions or remarks especially about the
relationship between PyPy, the OpenSource project, and PyPy, the
EU project, please feel free to ask.   It will certainly help
us to understand it better as well :-) 


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