[pyOpenSSL] time for a fork

Dave Cridland dave at cridland.net
Thu May 3 14:29:05 CEST 2007

On Wed May  2 23:00:59 2007, glyph at divmod.com wrote:
> On 08:49 am, dave at cridland.net wrote:
>> One key thing would be for a number of the key consumers of the
>> package to "bless" one particular fork as the successor. In case
>> you're wondering, while I'm happy if this happens to be mine, I'd 
>> be
>> equally happy to follow consensus on this.
> Well, if I might flatter myself, Twisted is _the_ key consumer of 
> the package ;-) and I (we) would not hesitate for a moment to 
> "bless" your fork if you're willing to take up this responsibility.
Okay. I'll sort out some slightly more formalized structure to it in 
a week or so, unless anyone else wants to volunteer to maintain the 

> There are other parties we need to alert, though, especially the 
> various operating system packagers for pyOpenSSL.  Any of you 
> listening?  I suspect there will be some discussion of whether 
> there should be a name- change or not, but I don't know if anyone 
> will insist.  It would, of course, make things easier if someone 
> could figure out how to raise Martin!

Yup, packagers are Most Wanted. Martin is/was the maintainer of the 
Debian package, too, so assuming Martin's vanished, we'll need 
someone entirely new there.

>> That's the tricky bit - everyone comes to the SF website for
>> PyOpenSSL, and finds it dead.
> Twisted and Divmod also have an obscene amount of Google juice, so 
> a few links on our websites should rapidly drive your site to the 
> top of the rankings for "pyopenssl".

Right - as I say, I'll "do" a more formal site for it next week, such 
as its own Trac installation. (It's currently in a little corner of 
my site).

Dave Cridland - mailto:dave at cridland.net - xmpp:dwd at jabber.org
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Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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