[pyOpenSSL] time for a fork

glyph at divmod.com glyph at divmod.com
Thu May 3 00:00:59 CEST 2007

On 08:49 am, dave at cridland.net wrote:
>I've been collecting patchs and maintaining a fork, and I'm more than
>happy to continue. I've tried to be active in seeking out patches and
>applying them. (I'll look at the bugs you quote there, and see if I
>can sort them out).

I noticed the last few responses you sent to this list, and I hoped 
you'd say something like this.
>One key thing would be for a number of the key consumers of the
>package to "bless" one particular fork as the successor. In case
>you're wondering, while I'm happy if this happens to be mine, I'd be
>equally happy to follow consensus on this.

Well, if I might flatter myself, Twisted is _the_ key consumer of the 
package ;-) and I (we) would not hesitate for a moment to "bless" your 
fork if you're willing to take up this responsibility.

There are other parties we need to alert, though, especially the various 
operating system packagers for pyOpenSSL.  Any of you listening?  I 
suspect there will be some discussion of whether there should be a name- 
change or not, but I don't know if anyone will insist.  It would, of 
course, make things easier if someone could figure out how to raise 
>That's the tricky bit - everyone comes to the SF website for
>PyOpenSSL, and finds it dead.

Twisted and Divmod also have an obscene amount of Google juice, so a few 
links on our websites should rapidly drive your site to the top of the 
rankings for "pyopenssl".
>This is why I feel the first step would be to enumerate the forks out
>there, choose one, and direct people consistently to there.

I don't hear anyone else volunteering besides you :).
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