[pyOpenSSL] [REPOST] Traceback: first num too large

Junglecow pyopenssl.xlist.tbnt at 9ox.net
Tue Nov 7 12:42:26 CET 2006


Please forgive me if you receive this mail twice. Even though it was
echoed back to me with all the right headers, it hasn't shown up
on SF's mail archives in 3 days. Furthermore, I received a subscription
confirmation one day *later*, adding to my suspicion that it got lost in



I am new to pyOpenSSL and OpenSSL. I'm currently trying to make Gajim run on
pyOpenSSL. This seems to be working fine, but when joining a room (any room), I
get this OpenSSL error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/gajim-svn/src/common/xmpp/transports_nb.py", line 244, in _do_receive
    received = self._recv(RECV_BUFSIZE)
  File "/tmp/gajim-svn/src/common/xmpp/transports_nb.py", line 57, in recv
    if flags is None: return self.sock.recv(bufsize)
OpenSSL.SSL.Error: [('asn1 encoding routines', 'a2d_ASN1_OBJECT', 'first num too large'), ('asn1 encoding routines', 'a2d_ASN1_OBJECT', 'first num too large')]

What is this error, what is causing it, and what can I do about it? Where
should I look for more information? Google is being rather unhelpful, and
searching this mailing list, python-crypto and the OpenSSL lists didn't turn up
anything useful either.

I am using python-pyopenssl 0.6-2.3 with openssl 0.9.8c-3 and python 2.4.3-8
from Debian testing.

If anyone wants to get their hands on some code to try, get Gajim svn using:
	svn checkout svn://svn.gajim.org/gajim/trunk gajim
and apply my preliminary patch at:

If you just want to look, prettified patch is as:

For more information, see ticket at <url:http://trac.gajim.org/ticket/2499>

Please advise.

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