[Pygui] signals and slots

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Tue Dec 1 01:00:50 CET 2009

inhahe wrote:

> The reason I like signals and slots so much is that slots is that I
> don't need always need to subclass - I can often create widgets and
> have things respond to them just by making the object in one line and
> then connecting it the next.

I find I hardly ever need to subclass widgets in PyGUI
either, at least not controls.

Usually I *do* create a subclass of Window or Dialog to
act as a container for my controls. I tend to do this
even when it's not strictly necessary, as a convenient
way of organising the code.

Having done that, it's very natural to give it a method
that updates the state of the controls based on the
prevailing conditions, and trigger it with action


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