[pydotorg-www] Edit my old wiki page and account

Cătălin George Feștilă catalinfest at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 17:30:36 EST 2024

Dead team

My name is Catalin George Festila , I want to edit my old account and wiki
I saw you make some changes .
I tried to recover and login on my account with name Catalin George Festila
and I saw my old account from 2014 :

Festila Catalin from https://wiki.python.org/moin/CategoryHomepage

I don't know if is the same after I click on create new one with the same
I used catafest at yahoo.com and catalinfest at gmail with catafest and
mythcat nicknames.

I want to :
change the name Festila George Catalin on
- because I think I added only FestilaCatalin
update my wiki page with new data , because that webpage is not more
"My website is on www.catalinfest.xhost.ro"

I don't know how can I solve these issues.
Wil be great if you come with more information about the user interaction
with web features from python.org

Thank you for help. Best regards.
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