[pydotorg-www] Analytics

Georg Brandl georg at python.org
Sun Apr 25 22:19:08 CEST 2010

Hash: SHA1

Am 25.04.2010 22:06, schrieb "Martin v. Löwis":
>> At work I went to a recent talk on Google Analytics, which provides an
>> impressive number of analyses to track where people are coming from,
>> what queries they're using, how long they stay on average, etc.  But
>> visitors are only recorded if their browser supports JavaScript, and
>> dumping that information into Google raises privacy concerns.  
> -1 on Google Analytics, for the privacy reasons. I don't believe you
> need JavaScript in the browser for it to do tracking, but with
> JavaScript, even more information gets collected.
> Here in Germany, it is the law that users have to opt in to have
> personal data being collected, and IP addresses are considered personal
> information. So strictly speaking, even a plain webserver log without
> user consent is against the law (the one exception being operational
> necessity). This isn't really being followed in practice, but we should
> not give personal data to anybody else (aggregated data is fine).

I also don't really see the need to put something in every python.org page
when the webserver collects enough data just fine.  No matter how little, it
will slow down the user's browser.  In any case, do we *really* need the
"advanced" stats that Google Analytics is offering?  (Remember, we aren't
trying to sell something.)  If Google collects more data than the webserver
would, do we want to collect and deliver that?

If server-side tools work just fine for our needs: even if they don't produce
graphs as pretty as Google's, what does it matter?

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