[pydotorg-www] project plan

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Thu Apr 22 22:30:45 CEST 2010

> 1> Make it clear / prominent *where to download*
> 2> Make it clear / prominent *where to file bugs*
> 3> Make it clear / prominent how to get involved in the community.
> 4> Make it clear / prominent how to get packages.
> 5> Add a link to the bug tracker on the front page - but say "report an issue"

These all seem like very little effort to do, IIUC.

Yet, I think I'm unable to implement them, as I still fail to see the

If you think you can, just go ahead and do it. Or, tell me how exactly
you would want it look, and I change it for you.

> 6> Remove the need to login to file a bug.

Sorry, can't do that. We would be swamped with spam.

> http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/

Hmm. I can't figure out how to report a Ruby bug on that page, either.

> http://www.perl.org/

Neither can I here.

> http://www.djangoproject.com/

Nor here - I specifically searching about an hour for a way to report a
bug to Django, and then I still wasn't sure whether I did it correctly.

> http://rubyonrails.org/

Here I clicked on Code, and it got me to the bug tracker. Reporting a
bug requires to sign in, though.

I still wish you would provide a list of problems that people discussed
with you in the last four days.


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