[pydotorg-www] project plan

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Thu Apr 22 22:26:26 CEST 2010

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 04:14:00PM -0400, Jesse Noller wrote:
> 6> Remove the need to login to file a bug.

7> Throw stuff away.

pydotorg has too much content that is no longer useful.  e.g.  does
anyone use http://www.python.org/community/lists/ to find anything?
Or do they type "python mailing list" into a search engine?  Do people
find their way to http://www.python.org/community/workshops/ or do
they search for 'python conference'?  Does anyone care about the call
for papers of the 1995 workshop, or the python-dev summaries that ended
in 2007?


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