[Pycon-openspaces] Open Spaces Co-Chairs + General Improvement Ideas

Anna Ossowski annabell.ossowski at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 11:33:57 EST 2019

Hi Ewa,

Thanks for the quick response!

So I suggest we make Haley and Katia the official co-chairs. I would like to encourage Joel, Jason, and Elizabeth to volunteer onsite for the Open Spaces, whether that is helping take the board pictures or promoting them in general. They seemed like good volunteers but adding too many people to the team in an official capacity is not a good idea IMO.
I will go ahead and send acceptance and rejection emails to everyone now.

Ewa, I like the link suggestion! What would be the next steps to make that website happen? Shall we speak with Ernest?

By when would you need the slide content?

Thank you! :)

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> On Feb 28, 2019, at 4:02 PM, Ewa Jodlowska <ewa at python.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 7:22 AM Anna Ossowski <annabell.ossowski at gmail.com <mailto:annabell.ossowski at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Trey and I took some time to speak with most of the people who applied for the Open Spaces Co-Chair roles and we have discussed all the candidates. Before we make a final decision, we wanted to get your input. We are currently torn between three people:
> * Haley Bear - New volunteer, very motivated and driven, committed to attending PyCon US in 2019, 2020, 2021
> * Elizabeth Wickes - Already volunteering for the Education Summit, great leadership skills and drive, committed to attending PyCon in 2019, 2020, 2021
> * Katia Lira - Volunteered for PyCon Charlas and as a session runner last year, could potentially help us encourage people to facilitate Open Spaces in Spanish, committed volunteer, already involved in DEFNA, PyCon Mexico, etc.
> I am pretty confident about Haley as she seems to have great potential and I would like to give someone new a chance. I am torn between Elizabeth and Katia and would love your input. Please let me know your thoughts as soon as possible. I would love to inform people by the end of the week.
> I'm in support of Katia joining the group. Your point about encouraging Open Spaces is a great one especially since PyCon Charlas will most likely become a permanent installation within PyCon. 
> Trey and I also discussed some potential ideas for Open Spaces improvements, which we would like to propose.
> It is still a concern that people don’t know that the Open Spaces are happening. Also having to physically walk by the Open Spaces board in order to find out about which ones are going on at which time can be a hassle. We therefore came up with the following ideas:
> * Could we create a website to which we will upload a picture of the Open Spaces boards every 1-2 hours so people have a better idea of the schedule without having to walk by the boards?
> If it is for uploading a picture, I think creating a page on us.pycon.org <http://us.pycon.org/> is best. Could be https://us.pycon.org/2019/events/open-spaces/board <https://us.pycon.org/2019/events/open-spaces/board> or something along those lines. 
> * Could we add this website link to the printed program?
> If I have the link by March 15th, yes it can be included. 
> * Could we show a slide with this website link in between the talks at each room to make people aware that the talks are not the only thing going on at this time?
> +1. In between the talks we have sponsored ads as part of the sponsor benefits. We could add into the rotation a slide about open spaces. I would like to get it designed to match our 2019 design. If you send me the content for this slide, I can work with our designer to match. 

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