[Pycon-openspaces] Open Spaces Co-Chairs + General Improvement Ideas

Ewa Jodlowska ewa at python.org
Thu Feb 28 11:02:58 EST 2019

On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 7:22 AM Anna Ossowski <annabell.ossowski at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> Trey and I took some time to speak with most of the people who applied for
> the Open Spaces Co-Chair roles and we have discussed all the candidates.
> Before we make a final decision, we wanted to get your input. We are
> currently torn between three people:
> * Haley Bear - New volunteer, very motivated and driven, committed to
> attending PyCon US in 2019, 2020, 2021
> * Elizabeth Wickes - Already volunteering for the Education Summit, great
> leadership skills and drive, committed to attending PyCon in 2019, 2020,
> 2021
> * Katia Lira - Volunteered for PyCon Charlas and as a session runner last
> year, could potentially help us encourage people to facilitate Open Spaces
> in Spanish, committed volunteer, already involved in DEFNA, PyCon Mexico,
> etc.
> I am pretty confident about Haley as she seems to have great potential and
> I would like to give someone new a chance. I am torn between Elizabeth and
> Katia and would love your input. Please let me know your thoughts as soon
> as possible. I would love to inform people by the end of the week.

I'm in support of Katia joining the group. Your point about encouraging
Open Spaces is a great one especially since PyCon Charlas will most likely
become a permanent installation within PyCon.

> Trey and I also discussed some potential ideas for Open Spaces
> improvements, which we would like to propose.
> It is still a concern that people don’t know that the Open Spaces are
> happening. Also having to physically walk by the Open Spaces board in order
> to find out about which ones are going on at which time can be a hassle. We
> therefore came up with the following ideas:
> * Could we create a website to which we will upload a picture of the Open
> Spaces boards every 1-2 hours so people have a better idea of the schedule
> without having to walk by the boards?

If it is for uploading a picture, I think creating a page on us.pycon.org
is best. Could be https://us.pycon.org/2019/events/open-spaces/board or
something along those lines.

> * Could we add this website link to the printed program?

If I have the link by March 15th, yes it can be included.

> * Could we show a slide with this website link in between the talks at
> each room to make people aware that the talks are not the only thing going
> on at this time?

+1. In between the talks we have sponsored ads as part of the sponsor
benefits. We could add into the rotation a slide about open spaces. I would
like to get it designed to match our 2019 design. If you send me the
content for this slide, I can work with our designer to match.
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