[portland] catching up on-list re local matters Pythonista / Pythonesque

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sun May 10 19:04:52 CEST 2015

More Python news:

For those knowing Steve Holden, oft amongst us,
but from the UK originally, is now back there, and
no longer rents quarters in Asylum District (i.e.
Hawthorne / Chavez area -- not sure of exact

Michelle, if you're on this listserv:  I have an
additional part for a small assembly you may
now possess.

He does plan to return for OSCON, which many
of you likely already know will be testing the
waters in Austin next year.  As an OST guy,
ORM a parent class, I'll say I do think Portland
should share and don't see why OSCON shouldn't
bounce around a bit, keep the juices flowing.
We don't need Austin to become paralyzed
(better to keep it weird) and Portland already
has OS Bridge.

Some people I met on-line as students (OST
stands for O'Reilly School of Tech[nology])
have since moved to Portland, shout out to
William Brown, army war vet, fluent in Russian,
and now full time writing SQL.  He's looking
forward to more Python and as he's still in
his 20s he has a lot to look forward to.

Me, I've been writing a simple RESTful API
using Django in Heroku on the side, for my
"church" (actually goes by the name of "meeting"
which sounds more business-like as our sect
is business sector).  I'm what's known as the
Technology Clerk of our "Yearly Meeting"
(coming right up in Spokane).

Given Steve will be flying in from the UK for
OSCON, and being less in the conference
business with the local Hilton, the sky lounge
post OSCON breakfast he's staged might
not happen this year, but other things will.
By the way, check out the redone Washington
High School for a possibly useful event space
for Geek Events (many taps, summer roof

Steve is a former chairman of the Python
Software Foundation (501(c)(3) Delaware)
and helped get stateside Pycons going
(EuroPython predates).  Those have snowballed
and Steve feels complete about his experience
here, having acquired a "Blazer knee" (state
of the art, implanted by docs who work on
Blazers!) and seen Pycon plant its flag here
(2016 / 2017).

Finally, I'll mention the US Distance Learning
Association conference I attended c/o work,
and end with a link to more of a write-up on
edu-sig, for those with an interest in such
matters.  Python is playing a role in distance


I do plan to show up at a meetup one time soon,
missing being around.  I'm a guy with white hair
(still some) who lives near the Bagdad, used to
write Visual Foxpro and dBase before that.  Mostly
specialized in the needs of NGOs, county and state
government, including lots of trainings (as in classroom).
Saturday Academy also on my resume.

Kirby Urner
"local yokel"
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