[portland] Recommendation for GUI environment on Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome fallback

Dick Steffens dick at dicksteffens.com
Fri Dec 13 01:03:52 CET 2013

On 12/12/2013 02:19 PM, Jason Champion wrote:
> I swear by PyQt for Python GUI work on Linux.
> The PyQt book by Mark Summerfield is superb. I imagine there are also
> plenty of good tutorials on the web.
> There's also wxPython, which is fairly widely-used. I used to use that, but
> switched to pyQt a while back. On Python both frameworks are pretty similar
> in capability. I only switched for consistency because the C++ work I do
> switched entirely to Qt (Qt is FAR better/smoother to use with C++). Both
> frameworks are multi-platform so you can get OSX and Windows for "nearly
> free" if you use one of them.

I found a tutorial and successfully ran the fist two examples. That 
should get me on my way.



Richard C. Steffens

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