[portland] Recommendation for GUI environment on Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome fallback

Jason Champion jchampion at zetacentauri.com
Thu Dec 12 23:19:59 CET 2013

I swear by PyQt for Python GUI work on Linux.

The PyQt book by Mark Summerfield is superb. I imagine there are also
plenty of good tutorials on the web.

There's also wxPython, which is fairly widely-used. I used to use that, but
switched to pyQt a while back. On Python both frameworks are pretty similar
in capability. I only switched for consistency because the C++ work I do
switched entirely to Qt (Qt is FAR better/smoother to use with C++). Both
frameworks are multi-platform so you can get OSX and Windows for "nearly
free" if you use one of them.


On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Dick Steffens <dick at dicksteffens.com>wrote:

> I run a couple of Python programs that work fine on Ubuntu 10.04 but don't
> behave quite so well on Ubuntu 12.04. I've made a couple of tweaks that
> help, but I'd like to recompile them (or whatever the right concept is with
> Python) so they work well on Ubuntu 12.04.
> One of the programs is called Footpedal. It can be found at:
> http://code.google.com/p/footpedal/downloads/detail?
> name=footpedal_0.4-0ubuntu1_all.deb
> and some instructions for tweaking are at:
> http://code.google.com/p/footpedal/issues/detail?id=4#c5
> Those helped, but I'd like to make it cleaner.
> Something seems to be missing from Gnome fallback that Footpedal uses.
> When I run it on Ubuntu 10.04 a little foot icon appears on the top line of
> the screen. When I right click on that icon I can change some settings to
> suit the way I want the foot pedal to respond. That icon no longer appears
> on the top line of the 12.04 screen, and I haven't found a way to get at
> that configuration menu. I'd like to rewrite the program so the I can get
> to the configuration menu.
> The part more relevant to this mailing list is what GUI "environment" (or
> whatever it's called) can I use for Python with Ubuntu 12.04? I'd like to
> start with a graphic version of Hello World so I can understand what
> widgets to use and how to place and control buttons, etc. I've fiddled with
> the text mode version of Hello World and understand it -- well, at least
> enough of it to handle Hello World. I'd like to get the same familiarity
> with a GUI program.
> The other program is called Transcribe. It is a program that plays audio
> files with some controls built in suitable for use by transcribers, such as
> backing up x number of seconds when stopped. It runs okay mostly. Sometimes
> I'll get a pop up window that tells me that it has crashed. Maybe something
> crashed, but it wasn't the part of the program that I use. I'm less
> concerned with finding out what's wrong with this one. But once I get
> comfortable tweaking Footpedal I'll dig further into Transcribe.
> TIA for any advice and/or links to tutorials.
> --
> Regards,
> Richard C. Steffens
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Jason Champion
Software Architect
Zeta Centauri
jchampion at zetacentauri.com
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