[Persistence-sig] 'cucumber'

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@alum.mit.edu
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 19:25:09 -0400

>>>>> "TB" == Titus Brown <titus@caltech.edu> writes:

  TB> Hi everyone, I thought I'd toss my own little package into the
  TB> fray.  I've written a fairly simple O/R mapping system named
  TB> 'cucumber' that sits on top of PostgreSQL.  By making use of
  TB> PG's inheritance hierarchies, cucumber class inheritance
  TB> relations can be mapped directly into PostgreSQL in a very
  TB> simple and transparent way.

Thanks for telling us about your system.  I don't know if there's much
fray here at the moment <wink>.  People seem to be busier working than
chatting about persistent.

How do you see cucumber fitting into the SIG's goal of generic Python
APIs for transactions and persistence?  I haven't had a chance to look
at cucumber, so I don't know what its implementation looks like.  Do
the ZODB4-based APIs discussed earlier look reasonable to you?
