[Persistence-sig] 'cucumber'

Titus Brown titus@caltech.edu
Sat, 17 Aug 2002 17:15:20 -0700

-> I thought I'd toss my own little package into the fray.  I've written
-> a fairly simple O/R mapping system named 'cucumber' that sits on top of
-> PostgreSQL.  By making use of PG's inheritance hierarchies, cucumber
-> class inheritance relations can be mapped directly into PostgreSQL
-> in a very simple and transparent way.

...and, to follow up, I should say that I'd be very interested in
refactoring things to adhere to a standard Python persistence interface.

My primary concern is that mechanisms be easily reflected into Postgres --
e.g. I don't know of any way to back out of multiple commits in Postgres,
which some people seem to have been talking about earlier -- in part because
that pretty much guarantees that I can implement something in e.g. Perl...
