[Pandas-dev] Tidelift

Joris Van den Bossche jorisvandenbossche at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 16:41:49 EDT 2019

I find the idea of paying people (the core devs) for their maintenance work
intriguing, but also see a lot of obstacles (the ones Ralf mentioned, what
part of our volunteer time is considered maintenance work, who are active
maintainers, do we tie certain expectations to rewarding money, ...?). I am
not sure how it would work out in practice. In any case something to
discuss, as we should also discuss other possible ways that we might want
to spend the money if not paying the current maintainers.

Just to be clear: even if we go with a NumFOCUS - Tidelift agreement, we
can decide to pay ourselves instead of letting Tidelift directly do that.
So that discussion can be done separately from deciding on going forward
with NumFOCUS making a contract with Tidelift (I don't think I heard any
pushback on that aspect itself, but just wanted to state this explicitly).

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