[Overload-sig] Gmane may be shutting down

Kevin Ollivier kevin-lists at theolliviers.com
Thu Jul 28 15:11:13 EDT 2016

On 7/28/16, 11:31 AM, "Overload-sig on behalf of Guido van Rossum" <overload-sig-bounces+kevin-lists=theolliviers.com at python.org on behalf of guido at python.org> wrote:

>Oh, man! :-(
>It's the tragedy of the commons. The ReadTheDocs team is close to
>burn-out too, as is of course our own Donald "PyPI is not my middle
>name" Stufft.
>Companies using open source really need to take care better of their
>infrastructure, and we can't always look at Google or Mozilla.

Has Python ever dabbled with a sort of Red Hat like support contract system, say custom development services, e.g. optimization and debugging assistance? 

I will say that until I joined these lists I really had no idea that PyPI largely (completely?) has fallen on the shoulders of one guy. :( Given the size of Python and PyPI, I would never have guessed that, though if it's any consolation to Donald, it does sort of make him a superhero. :) Honestly, after this major upcoming Nov. 1st deadline I have for my educational startup, if I haven't gone broke ;) , I'd be happy to contribute money, time or both. It's insane that something relied upon by so many has so few resources devoted to it.

Anyway, as it was in my case, I suspect part of the problem is one of awareness. I'm fairly certain with PyPI that a large number of people who could afford to pay would have real problems if it went away. Maybe blowing the horn would help? Do one of those Wikipedia-like drives on the PyPI index or Python itself? 



>On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 10:48 AM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
>> Looks like the maintainer is burning out:
>> https://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/2016/07/28/the-end-of-gmane/
>> If gmane is shut down it will impact the accessibility of our MM2 lists I
>> suspect as gmane seems to be popular enough, so our work may have just
>> become a bit more important.
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