[omaha] Updated website

Matthew Nuzum newz at bearfruit.org
Mon Nov 12 16:59:33 CET 2007

On Nov 11, 2007 11:00 PM, Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T <jeffh at dundeemt.com> wrote:

> I've changed http://www.omahapython.org from pointing to a wiki page
> on the python.org wiki
> (http://wiki.python.org/moin/OmahaPythonUserGroup ) to a tiddlywiki
> based page.  Since it's incredibly easy to edit a tiddlywiki I'm
> hoping to be able to take notes right at the meeting and then can post
> them up to the web right after the meeting.  We'll see how this works
> out <g>.

Hi Jeff, I'm just a lurker based in Des Moines, so don't get to come to the
meetings, but was just curious if you've tried Gobby (or any of the
*obby's)? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gobby

It works great on zeroconf networks and allows multiple people to view and
edit a document simultaneously and see changes in real time. It also works
well with regular LANs and over the Internet.

It works awesome for sharing long-urls or snippets of code. I used it when
participating in a lesson on Ubuntu packaging and it was extremely useful to
be able to copy and paste the commands the instructor was using.

The downside is that, like a lot of OSS, it operates on the premise that
you're using a Unix-like OS and it has added Windows support as an
after-thought. I hear it works well except for the zeroconf stuff (so you
have to enter the computer name instead of having a select list).

Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode

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