[omaha] Meeting topics? Twisted anyone?

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T jeffh at dundeemt.com
Mon Apr 30 23:16:57 CEST 2007

On 4/30/07, Mike on Python <omapython at hostetlerhome.com> wrote:
> > I have a request for a future meeting topic. Anyone using twisted, and
> > would be willing to do a spread the knowledge?
> I played with Twisted for a little bit once.  It's, uh, Twisted.  I hope
> the docs have gotten better since then. I don't know much about it,
> though.
I've got an app that uses twisted to serve web pages.  However, I
wouldn't view it as being a good introduction to twisted as I only use
a very small part of twisted.

> > I'd love to see meetings about web frameworks/Content Managment
> > systems too, like Zope/Plone, Django, or Turbogears from anyone using
> > those.
> I am on a project now that is using Django and would be happy to show it
> off, if I could find a Thursday night I am free.  It will be better for me
> starting in June than April or May looks.
That would be great to have someone come in and talk about Django or
the other frameworks (TG, Pylons, etc)  I've kicked the tires on both
TG and Pylons but punted back to mod_python + vampire -- None of the
frameworks are small and I didn't have the time.
(Speaking of which, it reminds me that Mark Ramm owes me a copy of his
TG book.  I'm planning on using it as a door prize at an upcoming

> > pyprocps, for displaying getting information about a process. I wrote
> > this.
> That sounds cool.  I'd like to see it.
Me too.  Will you be attending the May meeting? If so, would you like
to give a presentation on pyprocps, lightening or otherwise?

> > BeutifullSoup, for parsing web pages and extracting information. I use
> > this in my Sipie app for parsing sirius web interface to online
> > streaming and presenting it in a much simpler interface that works on
> > Linux.
> I *heart* BeautifulSoup. Just dump something that maybe looks like HTML at
> it and it will figure it out for you.
> > wxGlade, is an app for making cross platform gui interfaces using the
> > wx library. I've used it for very simple interfaces (like Sipie). If
> > you have no idea how to make a gui, i could give a 20min example of
> > where to start. Any gui writing experts out there want to give a full
> > tutorial on any of the gui libraries?
> >
> I've used wxPython for a while, but I'm a bit rusty.
Aaron Grothe has offered to do a PythonCard presentation.  However, I
haven't heard back from him since then.

> I did a Python and XML presentation for the Dynamic Users that I would
> happily redo for you.
That would be most welcome.

> If we wanted a night of lightening talks (not a bad idea!) I'd be happy to
> show off the path.py module, which combines the os.path, some os, glob,
> string, and some shutils modules all into one object.  It's incrediably
> good.  I'd also show ClientCookie, which reads your Firefox/IE cookies and
> uses them in urlopen.

Lightening Talks are a great idea -- it's something I wanted to see at
the meetings on a regular basis.  Python has a rich standard library +
 an enormous number of other libraries that quite often people don't
feel like they are expert enough to take center stage for a
"presentation" but lightening talks tend to do away with this phobia
because the format requires a brighter light on a more narrow topic.

> > Eli Criffield
> Mike Hostetler
> http://mike.hostetlerhome.com
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Jeff Hinrichs

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