[Numpy-discussion] Governance model request

Sebastian Berg sebastian at sipsolutions.net
Mon Sep 21 05:32:13 EDT 2015

On So, 2015-09-20 at 11:20 -0700, Travis Oliphant wrote:
> After long conversations at BIDS this weekend and after reading the
> entire governance document,  I realized that the steering council is
> very large and I don't agree with the mechanism by which it is
> chosen. 

Hmmm, well I never had the impression that the steering council would be
huge. But maybe you are right, and if it is, I could imagine something
like option 2, but vote based (could possibly dual use those in charge
of NumFOCUS relations, we had even discussed this possibility) which
would have final say if necessary (could mean that the contributers
definition could be broadened a bit).
However, I am not sure this is what you suggested, because for me it
should be a regular vote (if just because I am scared of having to make
the right pick). And while I will not block this if others agree, I am
currently not comfortable with either picking a BDFL (sorry guys :P) or
very fond of an oligarchy for live.

Anyway, I still don't claim to have a good grasp on these things, but
without a vote, it seems a bit what Matthew warned about.

One thing I could imagine is something like an "Advisory Board", without
(much) formal power. If we had a voted Steering Council, it could be the
former members + old time contributers which we would choose now. These
could be invited to meetings at the very least.

Just my current, probably not well thought out thoughts on the matter.
But neither of your three options feel very obvious to me unfortunately.

- Sebastian

> A one year time frame is pretty short on the context of a two decades
> old project and I believe the current council has too few people who
> have been around the community long enough to help unstuck difficult
> situations if that were necessary. 
> I would recommend three possible adjustments to the steering council
> concept.  
> 1 - define a BDFL for the council.  I would nominate chuck Harris
> 2 - limit the council to 3 people.  I would nominate chuck, nathaniel,
> and pauli.
> 3 - add me as a permanent member of the steering council. 
> Writing NumPy was a significant amount of work.  I have been working
> indirectly or directly in support of NumPy continously since I wrote
> it.  While I don't actively participate all the time, I still have a
> lot of knowledge, context, and experience in how NumPy is used, why it
> is the way it is, and how things could be better.  I also work with
> people directly who have and will contribute regularly.
> I am formally requesting that the steering council concept be adjusted
> in one of these three ways.
> Thanks,
> Travis
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