[Numpy-discussion] Governance model request

Travis Oliphant travis at continuum.io
Sun Sep 20 14:20:28 EDT 2015

After long conversations at BIDS this weekend and after reading the entire
governance document,  I realized that the steering council is very large
and I don't agree with the mechanism by which it is chosen.

A one year time frame is pretty short on the context of a two decades old
project and I believe the current council has too few people who have been
around the community long enough to help unstuck difficult situations if
that were necessary.

I would recommend three possible adjustments to the steering council

1 - define a BDFL for the council.  I would nominate chuck Harris

2 - limit the council to 3 people.  I would nominate chuck, nathaniel, and

3 - add me as a permanent member of the steering council.

Writing NumPy was a significant amount of work.  I have been working
indirectly or directly in support of NumPy continously since I wrote it.
While I don't actively participate all the time, I still have a lot of
knowledge, context, and experience in how NumPy is used, why it is the way
it is, and how things could be better.  I also work with people directly
who have and will contribute regularly.

I am formally requesting that the steering council concept be adjusted in
one of these three ways.


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