[Numpy-discussion] atlas not found, why?

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Nov 7 05:16:52 EST 2008

T J wrote:
> I fear I am overlooking something obvious.

No, I mixed up the names, I meant libatlas-base-dev.
> It looks like I have the important ones:
>    libatlas-base-dev
>    libatlas-headers
>    libatlas-sse2-dev
>    libatlas3gf-base
>    libatlas3gf-sse2

I have only libatlas-headers, libatlas-base-dev and libatlas3gf-base
installed. This is strange. You are building numpy in the top source
tree, right ? And you have no site.cfg at all ?



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