[Numpy-discussion] large memory address space on Mac OS X (intel)

Louis Wicker Louis.Wicker at noaa.gov
Thu Feb 1 16:02:32 EST 2007


that code helps a lot.  A standard gcc (no flags) of that code  
breaks, but if you compile it with gcc -m64, you can address large  
memory spaces.

So I will try and compile numpy with -m64....


On Feb 1, 2007, at 2:01 PM, Sebastian Haase wrote:

> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> int main()  {  size_t n;  void *p;  double gb;
>  for(gb=10;gb>.3;gb-=.5) {
>        n= 1024L * 1024L * 1024L * gb;
>        p = malloc( n );
>        printf("%12lu %4.1lfGb %p\n",n,n/1024./1024./1024.,p);
>        free(p); }  return 0;  }

| Dr. Louis J. Wicker
| National Weather Center
| 120 David L. Boren Boulevard, Norman, OK 73072-7323
| E-mail:   Louis.Wicker at noaa.gov
| HTTP:  www.nssl.noaa.gov/~lwicker
| Phone:    (405) 325-6340
| Fax:        (405) 325-6780
| "Programming is not just creating strings of instructions
| for a computer to execute.  It's also 'literary' in that you
| are trying to communicate a program structure to
| other humans reading the code." - Paul Rubin
|"Real efficiency comes from elegant solutions, not optimized programs.
| Optimization is always just a few correctness-preserving  
| away." - Jonathan Sobel
| "The contents  of this message are mine personally and
| do not reflect any position of  the Government or NOAA."

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