[Numpy-discussion] A C++ library and the new array interface: the best approach?

Philip Austin paustin at eos.ubc.ca
Wed Jul 5 20:51:04 EDT 2006

Travis Oliphant writes:

 > b) byte-the bullet and use Boost python (which other's who have 
 > integrated C++ code with Python seem to really like).  I've never 
 > wrapped my mind around Boost python, though, so I'm not much help there.

I've updated my set of boost helper functions to work with
numpy -- there's a Readme at:


A simple example which shows some of the boost python features (reference
counting, C++ versions of python types, docstrings, exceptions)
is appended below.  When called with python script http://tinyurl.com/zy57a it
produces the output  http://tinyurl.com/fr7xo

Regards, Phil Austin

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