[Numpy-discussion] arrayobject.h (and friends) install location

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Tue Jan 17 11:10:03 EST 2006

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, Sasha wrote:

> My main concern is not with the non-standard default location, but
> with the way distutils are tricked into placing headers into that
> location.  Currently this is done by mislabeling the header files as
> "data files" in setup.py as follows:
>    config.add_data_files(join('include','numpy','*.h'))
> This looks like a hack that just happens to work on platforms where
> headers do not require any special treatement such as end-of-line
> conversion or pre-compilation. This is not guaranteed to work on every
> python platform now and may certainly break in the future.

This is new to me. Sofar I know that numpy has been succesfully built on 
various unix systems, on Windows, and on OSX. The end-of-lines of numpy 
headers have never caused any breakage afaik and numpy header files do not 
require pre-compilation. Could you give more specific examples of python 
platforms where building numpy extension modules could fail?


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