[Numpy-discussion] A proposal to implement round in C Was: Rookie problems - Why is C-code much faster?

Bill Baxter wbaxter at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 17:36:09 EST 2006

There doesn't seem to be any rint() round() or nearestint() defined in MSVC
7.1.  Can't find it in an MSDN search either.  I think that's why a lot of
people in the game biz, at least, use that lrintf function written using
intrinsics that I posted a link to earlier.  I first heard about that on the
gd-algorithms mailing list.


On 2/24/06, Travis Oliphant <oliphant.travis at ieee.org> wrote:
> Sasha wrote:
> >Rint ufunc and ndarray metod "round" are in svn.  x.round(...) is
> >about 20x faster than around(x) for decimals=0 and about 6x faster for
> >decimals>0.  The case decimals<0   is slower on integers, but it
> >actually does something :-)
> >
> >
> Great job.  Thanks for adding this, Sasha...
> I think many will enjoy using it.
> Regarding portability:  On my system rint says it conforms to BSD 4.3.
> How portable is that?
> Can anyone try it out on say the MSVC compiler for windows?
> -Travis
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William V. Baxter III
OLM Digital
Kono Dens Building Rm 302
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Tokyo, Japan  154-0023
+81 (3) 3422-3380
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