[Neuroimaging] Nibabel release imminent

Marc-Alexandre Côté marc.cote.19 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 11:39:41 EDT 2016

How soon would that be?

I have a branch that adds support for another streamlines file format: 
TCK (from MRtrix). I'm using it since April so I had time to debug it 
plenty but it is still missing some unit tests. I won't be able to make 
a proper PR before August 9th, would it be too late then?



On 16-07-28 08:08 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to do a nibabel release soon.
> There are some ongoing PRs at the moment, most active being Thomas
> Emmerling's tireless work on BrainVoyager formats, but I'd like to
> release in the next week or so, to get out the new trackvis format
> stuff by Marc Alex Cote, as well as Alex Gramfort's fixes to the
> freesurfer surface reading.
> I just put in a PR https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/pull/464 to deal
> with some unchecked assumptions in the new spatial processing code -
> I'd be very happy of a review.
> Are there any other changes that people want to push for, for this next release?
> Cheers,
> Matthew
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