[moin-user] Is it possible to install moinmoin 2 with python 3.6..5

Lars Kruse lists at sumpfralle.de
Fri Mar 22 17:50:32 EDT 2019

Hello Renato,

Am Tue, 19 Mar 2019 15:59:11 +0100
schrieb Renato Pontefice <renato.pontefice at gmail.com>:

> I’ve a iMac with latest o.s.
> And there is install python 3.6.5
> When I try to install moinmoin2 (dowloaded from GITHUB) I receive an error of virtual environment. 
> Because I’m not a useful user of python I would understand if the prob is on
> the version of python or something else

I am not sure, how moinmoin 2.0 progressed recently, but when I did setup a wiki
around two years ago, I vaguely remember to have struggled quite a bit.
(in general I feel quite comfortable with Python development tools)

Thus if your goal is to learn a lot along your way towards a working moinmoin
2.0 installation, then please just go ahead. Otherwise you may want to pick a
different road.


PS: the very small moin 2.0 installation I mentioned above is working just fine

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