[Moin-user] An alternative to GetVal or InterWiki?

Ted Stern dodecatheon at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 15:34:38 EDT 2012

On 03 Oct 2012 00:04:07 -0700, Reimar Bauer wrote:
> Am 02.10.2012 22:15, schrieb Ted Stern:
>> Hi all,
>> One of my users would like to set up a sort of shortcut for use on one
>> of the wikis in my farm.
>> He want's something similar to @VAR@ syntax, but not expanded when the
>> page is saved.  He intends to use it for very long URLs.  So I suppose
>> the <<GetVal(WikiDict,VAL)>> syntax would be appropriate, but it
>> doesn't work inside [[...]] braces.
>> If I modify our local InterWiki, he can do
>>   [[VAR:rest/of/path]]
>> to create links, but then the InterWiki becomes littered with these
>> links.  Since I share the same InterWiki between farms, that could be
>> problematic also.
>> Is there anything set up in MoinMoin to do this?
>> Ted
> Have you thought on using the InterWikiMap page for creating all those
> shortcuts for theses urls?

If you read my message, double-quoted above, you will see that I
already have thought of that.  I will discuss it further below.

> It is a page per wiki.

Yes, I'm aware of that.
> I don't understand why he want @VAR@ not expanded, he could define
> in his own Homepage/MyDict a var for each url like

I understand that he can do Homepage/MyDict.

1) We don't want to expand it because the location may change over
   time, and when the variable is expanded, the association between
   variable and its value is lost.

2) We don't want to put the variable into a user's MyDict because the
   same location will be used by many users on a wiki, and it is
   wasteful to have the same information in several places
   (e.g. multiple MyDict pages).  It is a bit of the same
   decentralization problem from 1

>  URL1:: [[http://moinmo.in|MoinMoin]]

Thank you, I was not aware of the possibility of using the [[...]]
syntax in intermap.txt.

> and use then on a page @URL1@ will be replaced by this substitute.
> for an example see  http://moinmo.in/ReimarBauer/MyDict?action=raw
> Reimar

3) the reason I don't want to put the variables for a single wiki into
intermap.txt is that I share the same intermap.txt file with all the
wikis in my farm, and it would not be appropriate for users in other
wikis to be able to access the variables set for the users in one
particular wiki.

4) To cap things off, this user isn't just referencing URLs.  He
   actually wants to reference Windows Network Neighborhood
   sharepoints, in the form

     SharePoint:: [[\\sharelocation\path\to\share\point\]]

   and then do something like


   I have told the user that Windows directory share syntax isn't
   standard URL format, but there you go.  I still have to work with

Does that clarify my difficulty at all?

-- Ted

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