[Moin-user] Strange problem with page saving when running as FastCGI

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Fri Jan 22 04:16:20 EST 2010

> >> This problem doesn't exist when I run the same wiki as CGI (which is
> >> very slow and I can't use it).
> >
> > Do you use mod_wsgi 2.3? That version is known to be broken.
> I don't use mod_wsgi at all. I'm trying to run my wiki on Plesk hosting 
> platform and AFAIK there is no support for WSGI, so the only options 
> left are CGI and FastCGI.
> After creating and configuring Moinmoin instance, I have added 
> appropriate paths to python's sys.path in moin.cgi. Then I have copied 
> moin.cgi to /cgi-bin/moin.cgi and /moin.fcgi. In moin.fcgi I have 
> changed FCGI_FORCE_CGI env var to 'N'.
> moin.cgi works fine (but slow), moin.fcgi has the strange problem.

OK, this sounds like something in the fastcgi related code is

To make sure, try to reproduce the bug in a pure wsgi setup (you can use
the http://moinmo.in/WikiSandBox for testing, the site uses

If you can't reproduce it there, it is likely not a moin bug, because
moin itself is a pure wsgi app since 1.9. The handling of fastcgi is
done by flup and a bit of glue code for setting it up in moin. Talk to
flup author, maybe he knows about the problem or can find the bug.

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