[Moin-user] Python 2.6.5 WSGI Issue

Jurie-Jan Botha juriejanbotha at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 15:57:18 EDT 2010

> I use the default python provided by Ubuntu (10.04), works fine:
> $ python
> Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:57:41)
> [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

I also tried running the standard 'wikiserver.py' file with my standard
python and it still gives me a segmentation fault:

Here's version. Seems to be the same.
Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:09:56)
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2

> > Perhaps someone else can also try
> > compiling 2.6.5 from source and running moin via the sample WSGI
> > server.
> BTW, one of the usual pitfalls when compiling your own python is not
> having all xxx-dev packages installed at configure/compile time. The
> configure will then detect it is not there and drop the respective xxx
> feature.

> I don't remember all -dev stuff I had to install last time I compiled my
> own Python, but e.g. zlib-dev and some (open)ssl stuff come to mind (and
> for moin2, also sqlite-dev or so).
> BTW, I (and also likely some other moin devs) usually
> use ./wikiserver.py (as contained in the moin download / repo) to test /
> debug moin. And I use 2.6.5 on Ubuntu all the time without problems.
> When I recently tried some PyPy build, I also had segfaults, but this
> was likely due to bugs in PyPy or my PyPy build.
> Maybe you could also ask some Python developers about this. In case you
> found some bug in Python, they should be quite interested.
I've compiled python quite a few times before and I am quite familiar with
getting all the necessary xxx-dev packages together. I assumed that it
all compile fine since there where no warnings or errors and 2.7 compile
fine and ran the 'wikiserver.py' file fine.

I also tried running the 'wikiserver.py' file on another machine with 2.6.5
and it worked fine. I can only assume that I somehow broke something
in 2.6.5 across my entire system.

I don't really know how to approach reporting this to the python devs, so
if anyone would like to direct me, I would gladly accept the help and report
this problem. Otherwise, I'll just use 2.7 for now.
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