[Moin-user] ACL Groups don't work in MoinMoin 1.7.1-3+lenny5

ReimarBauer rb.proj at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 18 09:38:50 EDT 2010

Markku Tavasti schrieb:
> Hi everybody!

> Some friendly person with admin rights had upgraded old virtual server 
> running older debian for MoinMoin farm. After this, all wikis were down.

>From which older version?

> Now my problem is I cannot get groups working with acl. Have tried this:
>      acl_rights_default = u'MarkkuTavasti:read,write,delete,revert,admin 
> TestiGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All: '
>      acl_rights_before = u'MarkkuTavasti:read,write,delete,revert,admin 
> TestiGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin '

likly upgrade process is not completed. You can help us debugging your
problem if you
a) join #moin on chat.freenode.net see http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinChat
b) provide more than these two lines. e.g. how does your
page_group_regex looks like (the syntax has changed see
c) by more details how you have migrated your wiki data? Did you removed
cache files afterwards etc.

> I get rights as one would expect, but members of TestiGroup cannot 
> access anything on wiki. Even created one new wiki, but not even there.
> Any ideas where and how track this problem?
> One option is to install more recent MoinMoin, but apparently GUI editor 
> doesn't work with python 2.5.2, so I need to upgrade even python?

gui editor was removed by debian. It usually runs with python 2.5.2.

> System Info:
> Python Version
>      2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan 24 2010, 14:53:14) [GCC 4.3.2]
> MoinMoin Version
>      Release 1.7.1 [Revision release]

This is extremly old, if you want a reason to upgrade again see
A newer debian moin version is in testing.


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