[Moin-user] 2nd Instance

Mela Eckenfels mela at darkover.inka.de
Mon Feb 9 05:44:43 EST 2009


On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 11:40:16AM +0100, waqas ahmad wrote:
> I am using apache2.28(mod_auth_sspi) with mod_wsgi, and python2.5 with current version of moinoin. Can you please tell me how can i create 2nd instance in my current moinmoin. and how can i configure it step by step(e.g: apache,mod_auth_sspi, mod_wsgi, wikiconfig).


Kind regards,


Mela Eckenfels - Freie Autorin - Mörscher Straße 8 - 76185 Karlsruhe
eMail: mela at eckenfels.net - Web: http://mela.eckenfels.net/
Blog: http://mela.de/ -  Das LARP-Kochbuch: http://larpkochbuch.de/
Das Kochbuch für Geeks: http://www.oreilly.de/catalog/geeksckbkger/

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