[Moin-user] wikis URLs in farmconfig (moin 1.9.0)

Frank Lin PIAT fpiat at klabs.be
Tue Dec 8 03:10:33 EST 2009


It seems there's a discrepancy in farmconfig.py[1] for moinmoin-1.9.0 :

The documentation (comments) mention that 
> #  * the right part does NOT include "http://" nor "https://" at
>      the beginning

But a few line below, the example is:
>    #("wiki1", r"^http://wiki1\.example\.org/.*$"),

BTW, I suggest that the example is changed to:
>    #("wiki1", r"^https?://wiki2\.example\.org/.*$"),


[1] http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9/file/f992fed6e94a/wiki/config/wikifarm/farmconfig.py
[2] http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.8/file/tip/wiki/config/wikifarm/farmconfig.py

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