[Moin-user] trouble setting up wiki with MoinMoin 1.5.2

Emin Martinian emin.martinian at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 11:57:00 EST 2006

Thanks for the suggestion.  The problem was indeed that I had not set the
path properly in moin.cgi.  When I added a sys.path.insert statement things
worked properly.


On 3/17/06, Nir Soffer <nirs at freeshell.org> wrote:
> On 17/03/2006, at 00:39, Emin Martinian wrote:
> > Basically I believe that the wikiconfig.py file is not being read.
> Seems to be the problem.
> >  I
> > tried looking in the source code, but I couldn't find where it imports
> > wikiconfig.py so I was unable to verify this.
> Importing the config is more complicated than "import wikiconfig".
> Check multiconfig.py if you want to see the details.
> > (By the way, I'm
> > assuming that the wikiconfig.py file is supposed to be in the same
> > directory as moin.cgi, but perhaps that is my error.  I can't imagine
> > where else wikiconfig.py should go, though...).
> wikiconfig can be anywhere. To make it importable, you must add the
> path to the directory where it is located to sys.path. Look into
> moin.cgi in the comments about setting the system path.
> Best Regards,
> Nir Soffer
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