[Moin-user] Re: moinmoin and FastCGI

Ralf Gross Ralf-Lists at RalfGross.de
Wed Feb 9 00:52:50 EST 2005

moin-user-admin at lists.sourceforge.net schrieb am 08.02.2005 20:56:48:
> Try to start the .fcg manually. It should give you an exception like "No
> FastCGI environment found" or something like that..

bang:root /usr/local/share/moin/test-wiki/cgi-bin # python moin.fcg
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "moin.fcg", line 49, in ?
    fcg = thfcgi.THFCGI(handle_request)
  line 568, in __init__
    FCGIbase.__init__(self, req_handler, fd, port)
  line 510, in __init__
  line 545, in _make_socket
    raise RuntimeError("No FastCGI environment: %s - %s" % (`err`, errmsg))
RuntimeError: No FastCGI environment: 95 - Socket operation on non-socket

The fastcgi hello.c program that Malte mentioned worked fine.


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